Sunday, February 4, 2018

Downsizing: All Self-Righteous; No Self-Reflection

While I don't personally hate most individuals on this planet, I'm not ashamed to say I hate a certain group of people with a fiery vengeance. Said group are morons who try to act self righteous without realizing that, despite their openly spoken intention, are mostly doing the “right” thing because it benefits them in some purely selfish way. For an easy example, merely check out the line at your local Apple store to find said people retweeting celebrity speeches they find via their iPhone 9 while they are waiting in line for the iPhone X. They seek to be above the herd of unwashed masses; never realizing that their actions merely lump them into another group of people whose members are referred to by those said unwashed masses at “some idiot”. Now, with Downsizing trying once again to act progressive and make Matt Damon relevant, they've managed to merely make him some asshole.
Downsizing, despite its weird theme, is little more than an exercise in narcissism by its makers. The characters range from bland and forgettable to blatantly obtuse, the message (save the world by mostly taking yourself out of it) sells itself by promoting selfishness more than anything, and Damon's character is so one-dimensional I openly started referring to him as “some asshole” by the end of this long-in-tooth, short-in-brains wannabe sci-fi movie that acts like 90% of the doomsayers currently clogging up every news feed on the planet: they aren't doing it because they want to save the world so much as they want to feel good about being told they are right. The result is a hollow experience that will likely be remembered more for your frequent checking of your phone rather than anything that ever happens on screen.
Fortunately, like most bad movies he's in, Christoph Waltz seems to exist purely to save movies like this and does so with all the flare and charm you would expect of him. Backed up phenomenally by Udo Kier as his equally nihilistic brother and complemented by a memorable turn by Hong Chau as his housekeeper, these three characters serve as the sole saving grace of an otherwise forgettable, preachy movie. No act of “environmental consciousness” escapes their wrath. No pseudo-hero complex survives without their innate ability to turn a buck by separating the self-righteous tools of the miniverse from their inflated money. This movie should have been about them!
As for watching it, got anything better to do this weekend? Black Panther comes out in a few weeks know, wait for it or something. Have too many hours in an afternoon to kill? This might make a good substitute for a nap if you can find comfortable enough seats. Otherwise, avoid at all costs.
Alexander Payne (The Descendents) continues to make preachy, nonsensical movies for himself instead of mass consumption borne out of some crippling fear of money and success with Downsizing. When WASP Paul (Damon) decides to do his part for the environment and shrink himself to an eight centimeter man (it makes slightly more sense in context), he finds that the world is just as selfish and shallow in Tiny Town as it is in the actual world, forcing him to take a long, hard look at his own motivations and, upon seeing the error of his idiotic ways, continue to make the same mistake because he's more comfortable being some idiot that being someone who actually ACCOMPLISHES SOMETHING. Christoph Watlz will say hilarious things, Hong Chau will have the best pillow talk conversation EVER and you'll spend most of this two-and-a-half-hour snoozefest wondering what mistake you made in life to deserve the punishment of sitting through this tripe. Quality time...
My score: 2/10. Seriously, Hollywood. Is January your new September or something? I get you have awards season stuff to think about, but its not like those outcomes haven't already been decided months ago. Can't you just leave your awards darlings alone and try to feed the poor movie-going public something that they can file under “didn't make me want to eat my own brain”?