Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Intro From An Intro(vert)

Greetings, readers! I'm The Introvert (notice how I capitalized the "T" in The to make it sound more official because High School English totally rocks?)! I am a freelance movie critic who, when the crippling loneliness of my existence lends itself to my becoming the occasional existential nihilist (it's a fad), try to find ways to make sense of it all; usually in the form of angry reviews for movies I paid to see and don't feel the world should have to suffer through as well. Due to the fact that I'm currently only publishing the unpublished reviews, it may feel like I'm reviewing movies that you saw weeks ago and already watched and, therefore, don't need to actually be convinced whether or not to see it. Fear not! Since I do this on a weekly basis (and enjoy the voice in my head that reveals itself in a series of asides in my articles), the reviews shall still commence until I'm either a.) tired of it all, b.) dead, or c.) have been jailed after discovering the address of J.J. Abrams' Malibu home, driving to said location and beating him senseless with a baseball bat while screaming "Khan!" between swings (hopefully this won't be forwarded to any future juries).

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