Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sweet/Vicious Episode 5: All Eyez on Me. Busted!

So...that happened.
After 5 weeks of our heroines somehow escaping the authorities but managing to be smarter simply by remaining in the shadows, Ophelia finally ruined their cover by letting their target get the best of the duo. The news is out! There's an attacker on Darlington Campus and everyone (or at least anyone on social media) will know it soon enough and there's nothing Ophelia's hacking skills can do to stop the information from spreading. The noose, so slowly tightening through murder (Tyler's stepbrother), stupid luck (Harris' investigation) and general mayhem (there ARE a great many victims by this point), has finally been pulled taught. Jules won't be able to talk her way out of this and O can't stop the info. Will this be the end of the Darlington Duo?
Okay, let's be honest: despite being a pretty well written show with interesting characters, there's never really been any sense of foreboding in its pacing. Despite going after a star basketball player, a cyber security student and even an entire sorority of sociopathic bitches, there was never any sure sign that it could all come crashing down in a single moment. Well, Episode 5 finally did what the writers have seeming wanted to do this entire season: Jules and Ophelia are now in deeper shit than they've ever been and, even worse, they don't even realize the extent to how badly they're screwed.
Harris, still on his weird little journalistic mission to uncover a silly conspiracy, has finally seen through Ophelia's lies and not only realizes something is up, but also that Jules is likely involved. The victim, apparently directed to act like a spoiled sociopath, finally got an upper hand during a takedown and managed to expose the truth to the world. Nate, Jules' rapist and her best friend's perfect boyfriend, has become bolder in his assertions that nothing bad actually happened and seems primed to do it again (though, if it's another try on Jules, he probably won't be breathing much longer). All of these threads, tied together by both girls feeling like victims for the first time (Ophelia defended herself but came away aware of what almost happened to her and Jules is still broken on the inside), make the show feel like the compelling drama that the creators seemed to intend all along. Regardless of how the next few episodes leading up to the finale play out, its safe to say that either one of our heroes are going down or they're at least gaining some closure on the biggest elephant in the plot (nothing bad has technically happened to Nate yet). Bring on Episode 6!

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